What Are Affiliates?
The Affiliates are a group of Advisors and Students who fulfill special roles before, during, and after O-Week. These include Peer Academic Advisors (PAAs), Diversity Facilitators (DFs), Martel College President, Chief Justice (CJ), Student Maintenance Representative (SMR), and Rice Health Advisors (RHAs). Each role has unique responsibilities with the aim of supporting, maintaining, and improving Martel and its community.
Peer Academic Advisors
Peer Academic Advisors are here to help support New Students when making course schedules for the Fall semester. They undergo specialized trainings about Rice academics in order to properly support each and every New Student individually. O-Week PAAs continue to be an academic resource to all students even after O-Week has ended.
Martel-lo Kitty: Paw-AAs and Friends!
Diversity Facilitators
Diversity Facilitators (DFs) are Advisors who, in addition to regular trainings, receive specialized trainings geared towards maintaining Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Not only are they a resource to New Students, they are also a resource to the O-Week team. Our DFs (shown below) have worked closely with the Coordinators to ensure that CalicO-Week is a welcoming environment and will continue to aid the Advising Team in maintaining a respectful and safe environment for all. Throughout the academic year, Diversity Facilitators serve as a liaison between each Residential College and the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.


Other Affiliates!
Nathan H.
The Martel College President represents all of Martel at Student Association meetings and leads Parliament (Martel's weekly government meeting). It is the President's job to relay the thoughts and ideas of Martelians to Rice Administration and contribute to Martel's Culture of Care (COC)!

President Nathan H.
Nathan C.
The Chief Justice (CJ) serves as a liaison between all of Martel and University Court (UCourt). The CJ is also responsible for keeping track of events at Martel, handling noise complaints, and facilitating Martel Government elections.

Chief Justice Nathan C.
The Student Maintenance Rep (SMR) is a direct liaison between Martel and Housing & Dining (H&D). The SMR can help raise, lower, and loft beds as well as providing guidance for any major damages that may occur in dorm rooms.

Rice Health Advisors (RHAs) are students who have undergone training on various physical and mental wellbeing topics. They are responsible for maintaining an RHA cabinet that contains first aid supplies and are able to refer students to mental and physical health resources.

RHA Ramya